Join us for the 2024 Republican Caucus!
Quick Facts
This is your chance to have a real say in who the Republican Party nominates for our presidential candidate. This year, you'll also be an important decision maker in who we support for 9 different statewide offices!
The 27th Legislative District will be holding our Caucus on January 13th, 2024 from
9:00am - 1:00pm.
* Participants must be verified and seated by 10:00 am
This year the 27th Legislative District will be holding our entire caucus at Foss High School. Please use the South 19th Street entrance (across from Fred Meyer).
2112 S Tyler St
Tacoma, WA 98405
How it Works
On January 13th, arrive and enter the Foss High School grounds through the South 19th entrance. There will be signs and helpful volunteers to guide you. Parking is a available on site. Follow the signs to the cafeteria entrance where more volunteers will greet you at the line. Be sure to bring you Driver's License or State ID, and your Voter Registration Card if you have it (your VRC is not necessary, but it is helpful for check in). Once in line, we will begin the process of verifying your legal right to vote within the 27th Legislative District. Participants must be verified and seated by 10:00 am.
Once verified, you will join the other members of your precinct. This is the group of people you will choose from to send as delegates to the Pierce County Convention. The Vice-Chair of the 27th Legislative District will visit your table between 9:30am and 10:00am to help explain the forms and voting procedures. Around 10:00am the Chair of the 27th Legislative District will explain the entire process and agenda for the day.
Voting must begin between 10:30am and 11:30am. At that time, the structure of each precinct will established. After that, each participant will identify whether they would like to be a deleagte, and alternate, or a general precinct voter. Each person running for precinct delegate will have a chance to articulate why they would be the best person to reprent their precinct moving forward into the County, State, and National deleagte processes. There will be time to discuss and debate the merits of each national candidate and decide who to send forward. The caucus will close when a list of delegates has been eastblished for each precint. If you are chosen as a delegate, please contact the the Chair or Vice-Chair of the district for further instructions.
If you need any help or further details, please email us at
Please, enter Clay Huntington Way via S 19th St. Follow the white dots to the parking area. Once parked, follow the red dots to the entrance.