The 27th Legislative District Republicans condemn, completely and without reservation, the horrifically violent attacks in Israel conducted by Hamas and funded by Iran. It is impossible for us to exaggerate the disgust and revulsion with which we view such a desecration of humanity.
There is no justification for these inhumane attacks on Israeli citizens in their homes even had it been a time of declared war. To torture, violate, murder and mutilate women and children in such unspeakable and gruesome ways is something that should be beyond the understanding and actions of any decent human being. We call for the defeat of the Hamas forces and prosecution of the perpetrators as terrorists committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.
It shocks us to our core that anyone could protest in support of this violent extremism – especially in our own backyard in Kirkland. We condemn the protestors and hold that they bring blame on themselves for these atrocities; support for these acts only encourages more.
We have seen no public comment from our district's Democrat legislators about this brutality. They have made their stance clear by their silence. We need leaders of integrity, morality and decency in our community and it is our hope that our community members will work with us to get better representatives for the 27th district.
We ask you to contact us to find out how to build a better community together.